
@britishdressage See how FEI 5* judge Isobel Wessels and trainer Matt Hicks judge the six year old test ridden by Sonnar Murray-Brown and Stolen Secret. Scroll back to watch the highlights in our previous video! #dressagetest #dressagerider #dressagehorse #dressagetraining #BritishDressage #younghorses #youngdressagehorse #dressageoftiktok #dressageexercises #younghorsetraining #dressagejudge ♬ Best background music for corporate CM, company description videos, etc. - harryfaoki

Strictly Dressage Masterclass with Carl Hester MBE, Nick Burton (International Dressage Judge) and Sonnar Murray Brown riding his Grand Prix Trakehner Erlentanz TSF . (Shown at 1:00:00)


Erlantanz TSF

Owner: Sonnar Murray-Brown

Grand Prix Trakehner